This form will be available on January 27th when registration opens to current families.
You are about to register for the 2024-2025 preschool year (current year).
If you are looking to register for next year, 2025-2026, close this window to return to the registration page to locate that year’s registration button.
If this is correct, click continue to go to the online application.
You are about to register for the 2025-2026 preschool year (next year).
If you are looking to register for the current year, 2024-2025, close this window to return to the registration page to locate that year’s registration button.
If this is correct, click continue to go to the online application.
Camp Registration Begins Soon! Campers with a gift certificate may begin Early Registration on Feb. 1, 2020. Registration opens to the public on Feb. 13, 2020!
We are currently not hiring for this position.
We promise to have this button working again as soon as possible. We are working now to correct the problem. Thank you for your patience.
Please do not enter the same child twice.
All enrolled students’ parents should have received a confirmation email, which also contained this link and a request to complete this form. Please check your records to see if you may have already filled it out. If so, skip this step by closing this window. If you are unsure, please contact us. If you have not yet submitted this form, click continue.
Please do not enter the same child twice.
All enrolled students’ parents should have received a confirmation email, which also contained this link and a request to complete this form. Please check your records to see if you may have already filled it out. If so, skip this step by closing this window. If you are unsure, please contact us. If you have not yet submitted this form, click continue.